MY BOOKS HAVE BEEN BANNED! — LaShawn Vasser they haven't really been banned but you have to admit that was a great headline.  However, it could happen.  For example, if Amazon dropped all of my books today, how would you find me?

Let me start off by saying I have the best career in the world.  I’m an AUTHORPRENEUR! *ahem ahem* What is an an authorpreneur you ask (you didn’t but that’s okay)?  Well, I’d love to share my definition.  An authorprenuer is not a term I coined but it’s on the cusp of being a real word.  If you do a quick internet search thousands of definitions will appear.  The short answer is an independent writer who is self-published.  However, some published authors still indulge in a bit of authorpreneurship responsibilities. 

An authorpreneur is a writer – FIRST and FOREMOST (otherwise nothing else matters), publisher, media communications specialist (i.e. publicist), salesperson, marketing/promotional strategist, finance director, art director, and editor.  I might even be missing a responsibility or two.  But, that’s what we do because we LOVE to create engaging and intriguing stories for our readers to read.  We wear a lot of hats even if we outsource some of our responsibilities.  However, because we are the CEO’s of our brand the buck stops with us.  I love that and wouldn’t want it any other way!  Who doesn’t want to be the master of their own destination?  That amount of responsibility also comes with a lot of risk but a very high reward if successful. 

We’ve always been taught to never keep all of our eggs in one AMAZON basket. 

I love Amazon but back to my original question, if Amazon dropped all of my books today, how would you find me? My hope is by joining my e-mail list at .  If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my and your favorite authors websites.  Join our mailing lists!  This is our way of being able to keep you in the loop and keep all of our eggs in plenty of baskets. 


