Happy New YEAR!  Whew...can you believe January is almost over and that this is my first blog of the year?  I most certainly can't believe it!  Well, before I completely wrap up 2015 and move right along into 2016, I have a couple of things I'd like to share (as I write this blog listening to Deniece Williams - Black Butterfly - maybe I'll embed it so you can too).

First, let me say, THANK YOU.  You...the readers have made my 2015 absolutely FANTASTIC.  From Faith-Her Love Story to CREE to The Storm Series, you've supported my love of romance and allowed me the flexibility to spread my wings & grow as an artist writing stories of beautiful - proud BLACK women.  

There is no ride like the one of being an independent author.  It's riddled with unbelievable highs and rife with incredible challenges but even on my most difficult days...I hear you all cheering me on, and it gives me that extra boost to write stories that I hope will make your heart sing!  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!  Now, on to 2016...

I will continue to write about falling in love!  My heroines are African American women who are sexy, powerful, and intense.  Sometimes, that woman has a quiet strength and other times she's a bit more aggressive!  My hope is to cover all of us because we are all things in real life !!

So, in 2016 look out for The Right Side of My Pillow (coming soon - Jade has a story to tell), 2 EXCLUSIVE FREE reads for my subscribers, and much much more!  Stay tuned...

Love always,




