I went to Baltimore, MD this weekend. It was the first stop on my book tour. I met some Ah-MAZING reader friends. First, I’ve never been to Baltimore. Second, it was great! I mean superfreakin’ fantastic! Mary Brooks, Vondetta Carter, Shea Swain, and Regina Stewart-Hunt rolled out the red carpet and made me feel right at home. I even had some of Maryland’s FINEST crab meat and WHOO chile…it was good! For those who wanted to, but couldn’t attend, check out some images and video below! Charleston, SC . . . YOU’VE GOT NEXT!!
Rise and Shine!
Up at 4:30am getting ready for the day!
Oh No!
My face when there appeared to be a flight delay. Ended up being all good and on-time!
Flying over the great city of BALTIMORE & about to land!
I MADE IT and had SUCH a great time with some incredible women. We ate. We laughed. We had a few drinks. We talked about books and a few other things we’ll keep just between us! Thanks again for having and hosting me! Next stop....9/7...Charleston ❤️!!!
Thank you thank you and THANKS again for hosting my Baltimore stop. If you don’t know, she’s the author of Chained to the Devil’s Son & Heaven on Hell Island (one of my favorites)!
AUTHOR SHEA SWAIN (click on the name for more information)