Happy 2024!! — LaShawn Vasser

2023 is gone and 2024 is HERE!

2023 wasn’t exactly bad, but it wasn’t great. Still, I’m thankful to be healthy and of sound mind in this brand-new year!

As I fully embrace ‘out with the old and in with the new’, figured I’d throw out a couple of traditions that haven’t seemed to work. You know the one about eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day? I heard it’s supposed to bring prosperity. I’ve been eating a tablespoonful on New Year’s Day for YEARS. I can’t tell you how much I loathe them. Honestly, I don’t think what I’ve gained in prosperity was enough of a trade-off. This year, I left them in the pot (sorry Aunt Bobbi). More for others to enjoy! I also washed two loads of clothes. I’m going to leave it to y’all to Google why I shouldn’t have done that. Promise, I’ll let you know how bucking tradition works out at the end of 2024! Keep me in your thoughts AND prayers 🤣!!

This year, I’m doing something a little different. I’m manifesting the FANTASTIC! I can barely sit still from all the exciting things I have in store. I can’t share with you just yet (what’s the fun in that) but I can give you a hint. Let’s just say this is the year of MORE. More books about sexy, black women with purpose, and the men who adore them! And that’s not all. I have several other surprises coming your way!


From LaShawn Vasser Publishing to you and yours get ready and



Mary J Blige

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